Structural Optimization
About ArtIStE and Structural Design and Optimization
Construction industry is one of the most impactful both economically and environmentally. It is responsible for 39 percent of global CO2 emissions and, by 2025, will account for 13.5 percent of world GDP.
In a context that envisions increasingly sustainable development, the study of techniques to reduce impact in this sector assumes vital importance.
The discipline of structural optimization was born out of this requirement. It aims to identify the structural solution that provides the best performance, concerning a given objective to be achieved and assigned design constraints. At the same time, the field of construction involves a great many productive sectors, ranging from raw material sourcing, transportation, manufacturing, and site construction management. Solving such a complex problem requires the use of advanced analysis and optimization techniques.
ArtIStE research group aims to solve structural optimization problems by combining the latest data-driven artificial intelligence techniques. In particular, the research aims to address complex optimization problems by exploiting parametric and form-finding design techniques combined with the use of machine learning and meta-heuristic optimization algorithms.